
Roxton Church of England Academy

In faith we learn and grow together

Curriculum Intent

Curriculum Intent


Roxton will give all its children the best possible chance of becoming informed, well-rounded and happy individuals. We will provide them with firm foundations to withstand the storms of life giving them confidence and resilience to flourish throughout the next steps of their lives.


Our curriculum is underpinned by our Christian Values of Aspire & Persevere, Responsibility, Community, Love & Friendship, Respect and Believe - In yourself, in others, in God. Our values are embedded through our curriculum and school life.


Our Curriculum is designed to:

  • Inspire our children, helping them to have high aspirations and expectations of themselves.
  • Provide opportunities to solve problems, work within a team and to persevere. Developing a sense of achievement and pride in all they do.
  • Develop confidence, independence, and resilience. It encourages children to be risk takers and know it’s okay to fail. This provides the opportunity to feel a greater joy of success.
  • Ignite our curiosity in our pupils by offering a rich, deep and accessible curriculum for all children, which enables them to acquire deeper knowledge and skills whatever their starting point. A progressive learning experience, which is enhanced by a variety of life experiences.
  • Promote character and the personal, social, physical, spiritual, moral and cultural development of our children. Preparing them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life.
  • Encourage the personal development of our Christian values enabling the children to flourish in life. Taking care of themselves and others in our community – to value all.
  • Foster a lifelong love of all learning, which enhances their understanding of the world around them, providing them with the best opportunities to flourish.


We use the Cornerstones Curriculum Framework as a starting point from which to personalise the planning and resourcing of our wider curriculum. We believe that children deserve a broad and balanced curriculum that enables them to develop a deep understanding of each subject and the inter-connections between them. We deliver many of the subjects in our wider curriculum (Geography, History, Science, DT, Art and some English) through themed Learning Journeys.


Themes lasting a term (1/2 termly in Early Years) are designed to engage and inspire pupils. With the use of this program cross curricular links are developed to promote and deepen students’ knowledge and skills building on learning across subject specialisms. These themes are planned to use the framework of the National Curriculum and the EYFS curriculum. Curriculum Maestro themes do not provide full coverage of the National Curriculum therefore this approach is supplemented by discrete lessons in English, Maths, RE, PE, PSHE & RSE, Early reading, MFL, Music and computing



