
Roxton Church of England Academy

In faith we learn and grow together


Welcome to Oak!

Hello and welcome to the Mighty Oak! We are a small cohort made up of Years 3 and 4. This Summer Term, Mrs Colbert is teaching the class Mondays to Thursday with Miss Heath teaching on a Friday morning.

Oak News 

After saying goodbye to Miss Creed at the end of Spring Term, we come back to a new topic "Empires and Emperors" with a focus on The Romans and welcome Mrs Colbert who will be teaching Oak Class for the Summer Term.


We have a packed term for year 3 and 4 including a Cricket Championship in a few weeks, a Music Project around The Romans and much more fun alongside lots of learning.


For this term, PE is Wednesday afternoons and Friday mornings, please make sure you children have appropriate kit and a change of trainers. 


Homework will now be given weekly with a piece of English and piece of Maths each week and some topic projects at intervals throughout the term. Homework will be given out on a Thursday and will be required to be handed in by the following Tuesday.


General information 


P.E Days 

Our P.E days are on a Wednesday and Friday. On P.E days we come into school in our P.E kit and stay in them all day. Please note that P.E kit is blue jogging bottoms/shorts, blue hoodie, white tshirt and trainers. All long hair must be tied back and earrings removed or covered. Please try to send your child with spare trainers, especially when the weather is less favourable.


Our main communication is through class dojo. Parents and teachers are able to communicate via dojo message Monday-Friday 8am-6pm. There is a weekly roundup on dojo, where pictures and snippets of what we have been learning are shared with parents. In Oak, we work towards a collective dojo total,the children then receive a joint reward when this total has been met. 


Children are expected to read at home to an adult at least three times a week. 1 dojo every time the child's diary is signed by an adult. When the children achieve 100% on an Accelerated Reader quiz, they receive a stamp. A card = a prize from the bag of joy!!


From the summer term, homework will be given out on a Thursday and expected back on the following Tuesday. Each week the children will be given a piece of English and a piece of Maths to complete with some topic based projects intermitently across the term.

Our topic Empires and Emperors with a focus on The Romans.

Pupil Voice


"I liked learning about the three different types of rock because it was interesting. " Olanna

"I like the art." Ethan

" I liked making the volcano ." Ollie

" We ALWAYS have fun and Miss Creed makes our lessons more interesting." Betsy

"I like playing with my friends." Charlotte

"I like science ." Mason

"I like it when we do cooking." Emily

" I liked making the volcano boxes." Darla

" I like maths, learning my times tables." Ruby

"I like learning about earthquakes." Isla 

"I love Oak because the children are so curious!" Miss Creed


Multiplication Mash Up - A Fun Way to Learn Your Multiplication Facts!

Oak LOVE this video. It teaches times tables to familar pop song tunes.

Maths- Key Instant Recall Facts (KIRF)
