Our Learning Powers teach our children about the behaviours needed to be a successful life long learner. The children receive a certificate when they have demonstrate the behaviour consistently. When a child has achieved all 8 they will receive a reward for collecting all the powers and becoming a Learning Hero.
Each behaviour has been linked with a character to help our children remember the learning characteristics.
Bertie Bee - Learning Relationships
Sid Spider - Making connections
Oscar Owl - Reflection
Tommy Tortoise - Resilience and Perseverance
Flossy Flamingo - Balance and Coordination
Percy Parrot - Reasoning
Urusla Unicorn - Creativity and Imagination
Clara the Cat - Curiosity
My Super Power is learning relationships
I am great at working as part of a team or with a partner. I like to listen to my peers and work together to solve problems.
My super power is making connections
I think about everything and always look to find ways to spin my super web to join it all together. I use my mind to remember where I have seen or heard something before and find ways to join it up with new learning I experience.
My Super Power is reflection
Like a mirror, I like to look and see what is staring back at me. I am wise and think about what I have done in the past to make today a better day. I learn from mistakes and make improvements when I think I could have done a better job.
My Super Power is resilience and perseverance.
When things get tough or I am faced with a challenge, I stay calm and work through it until the end. I can take my time because I know I will succeed if I keep trying and never give up.
My Super Power is balance and coordination.
I have great control over my movements and organisation. I can balance and move carefully and swiftly, almost like a ninja. I am organised, I will always be where I am supposed to be on time, ready and prepared.
My Super Power is reasoning
I work out why things have happened and determine the next the next steps because of something I already know. I am great at listening to questions and working out the solutions. I can talk-a-lot especially about why I have an answer to the problem and how I got there.
My Super Power is creativity and imagination.
I have a super powerful mind; I can create worlds and wonderous creates just by sitting where I am. I play games, write stories, create songs and dances, draw pictures and make sculptures, all with great confidence in myself. I solve problem in ways other may not think about and work hard to find new and imaginative solutions to problems.
My Super Power is curiosity.
What do you think it means? I love to find things out; I ask many questions. Do you think that is a good Super Power? Of course you do!