
Roxton Church of England Academy

In faith we learn and grow together


Welcome to Oak!

Hello and welcome to the Mighty Oak! We are a small cohort made up of Years 3 and 4. Our class teacher, Mrs Stent, teaches on a Monday to Thursday. Our deputy head, Mrs Hearn, teaches us every Friday morning. As a class, we are kind, thoughtful and fun. We particularly love to problem solve and enjoy taking on a challenge. Please scroll down to see what we have been up to and our gallery.


General Information

PE days

Our PE days are currently Wednesday and Thursday. We require that our children wear their PE kits on the days they take part in PE activities. All long hair must be tied back and earrings removed or covered. Please try to send your child with spare trainers, especially when the weather is less favourable.

PE Kit:
• Navy/Black shorts
• White round neck T shirt
• White, black or grey socks
• Black plimsolls or trainers
• Navy/Black tracksuit for outdoor games in cold weather.



In Oak, the children are not expected to bring their own pencil cases. We have everything the children need on the tables. The children have an opportunity to gain their pen license in Year 3 and 4. We want the pupils to always take pride in their work, with excellent presentation.



We want to promote a love for reading. Throughout the week, we have comprehension sessions, whole-class guided reading, individual reading and time to read for pleasure. The children are expected to have a reading book (either from school or home) which they read from regularly. Books are tracked via our Accelerated reader system, which checks understanding with a short quiz after each book. Reading should be something the children do at home to support learning in school. 1 Dojo is given every time the child's diary is signed by an adult. When the children achieve 90% on an Accelerated Reader quiz, they receive a Dojo too.



Messages and news will be communicated via the Class dojo website. This app is also a way of rewarding good learning behaviour and values. Dojos will be regularly given for homework, spellings etc but also in school for excellent attitude, work and achievements.


If the pupils can 25 Dojo points, they will can choose a prize from the prize box.


The weekly roundup will be added every Thursday to show snippets of what we have been learning that week.



As well as reading, homework consists of weekly spellings, plus a short maths task. Completed homework gains two Dojos with it being set on a Thursday and due in the following Wednesday. The children will be given a homework folder containing a maths worksheet to complete every week. The maths work will be based on the topic we have been learning about it class that week. Spelling practise is also accessible via the ED Shed website.

Autumn 2024 Topic –

In the Invasion project, your child will explore the effects of the Roman withdrawal and the chronology and geography of subsequent invasions. They will study the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings in detail, examining their reasons for invading, their settlements and their everyday life. Your child will also look at monasteries and the Anglo-Saxon legacy. They will consider how we know about life in this period and investigate the Sutton Hoo ship burial. They will learn about Athelstan, an Anglo-Saxon king, and what happened after his death, before ending the project by learning about the Norman invasion of 1066.


Class Books This Term

Multiplication Mash Up - A Fun Way to Learn Your Multiplication Facts!

Oak LOVE this video. It teaches times tables to familar pop song tunes.
