
Roxton Church of England Academy

In faith we learn and grow together

Safeguarding Curriculum

Safeguarding Curriculum Statement

At Roxton CE Academy, safeguarding is always at the forefront of all that we do around the care, nurture, teaching and learning of all our children. Our Trust places an equally high emphasis on safeguarding and child protection. Please take a read of our Trust guide. 

Safeguarding is taught through different aspects of the curriculum.
Online safety is taught through the Computing curriculum, following a progression of age-appropriate teaching units.

Safeguarding relating to relationships with peers, families and other adults, is delivered through the PSHCE curriculum, mapped for all year groups. Areas covered include friendships; family and close positive relationships; hurtful behaviour and bullying; safe relationships - on and offline.

In addition, the school hold whole-school and class assemblies eg. the NSPCC Speak Out Stay Safe programme and 'Pants are Private'.
